Todos os amantes do vinho sabem que o vinho é frágil. Precisa de atenção cuidadosa e do melhor ambiente de armazenamento para atingir todo o seu potencial. No entanto, as condições que são propícias a isto raramente existem na adega de uma casa antiga, quanto mais na casa moderna.
A equipa do Wine Corner encontrará soluções, independentemente do tamanho da sua colecção de vinhos ou do quão pequena, espaçosa, quente ou fria é a sua localização. A Wine Corner está empenhada num programa de desenvolvimento contínuo de produtos, garantindo aos nossos clientes o acesso a uma vasta gama de produtos que oferecem níveis óptimos de desempenho e fiabilidade.
With over 50 years’ combined experience and knowledge of construction, cooling systems and wine storage, we can help you enhance the space you have, and design a perfect environment for fine wine storage for private collectors and commercial venues. Fortunately, with today’s technology, many different types of space can be converted to store, display and enjoy your wine, from spare rooms to corridors and outbuildings.
The Team at Wine Corner will invest time with you during the planning stage, to develop a design that exceeds your expectations and provides the necessary detail to enable the transition from design to build to be as smooth as possible.
You will be presented with your unique designs so you can be totally clear on what is involved in the build and fit-out process; that the space is used effectively; is aesthetically pleasing and caters for the size of your collection.
If you are ready with your ideas and designs, the next step is Project Management and Cellar Construction. The Team at Wine Corner is ready to assist in any capacity, as much or as little as you like, to find and deliver the best solution for you.
A huge amount of care and attention is invested in your ideas, the design and the build program. This attention to detail, safety and compliance continues with consideration to minimise disruption for your business or home.
The Team at Wine Corner have specialist knowledge with the sequence of events when it comes to building or refurbishing wine cellars, and the experience and relationships built with equipment suppliers also help to ensure work is completed on time and on budget.
Protecting your wine is our business – the Team at Wine Corner are your specialists and here to help.
A site visit is a fundamental requirement and a major step towards the smooth running of building or refurbishing a cellar. Find out more here.
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Valorizamos a sua privacidade e não partilharemos os seus dados com nenhuma outra organização.
A equipa do Canto do Vinho está aqui para ajudar, desde a mudança de filtros até à concepção de uma nova adega. Ligue-nos para +44 1302 744916.
Os clientes comerciais são bem-vindos a contactar a Kennet Leasing for Finance.